Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Useful sites...and articles...

about painting:

[ http://www.paint.net/ ]

about open source administrating music...

[ link... ]

on-line resources for web developers...

[ http://www.webdesignblog.gr/5-online-resources-for-web-designers-developers/ ]

a massive graphic or photo editor-converter

[ http://cerebralsynergy.com/download.php?view.52 ]

job places for web developers

[ http://www.sitepoint.com/blogs/2008/10/10/20-places-to-find-your-next-job/ ]

bringing music production with linux to the masses

[ http://hehe2.net/linuxhowto/free-professional-music-production-a-linux-introduction/ ]

plastic logic reader or how we'll read in the next years the books

[ http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/09/plastic-logics.html ]

outsource your site...

[ link... ]

the state of the scripting universe...

[ link... ]